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A Letter from Our Founder

In the early hours on a chilly March morning in 1998 my first child was born. He was adorable, a little peanut, he was unbelievable. Hi, I'm Paul Nealy, founder of Shotdrop. When our son was born, my wife and I were alone in Minneapolis with no local family to share our bundle of joy. After searching high and low for a way to share photos with our families while not plastering pictures of our new little guy all over the internet, I finally gave up and by May 7, 1998 I had created and launch Looking back, it wasn't pretty, but for 1998, it sure was functional.

In 2019, sharing photos online has become second nature to all of us, but in 1998 there weren't a lot options and I found nothing that addressed concerns of parents sharing photos for the entire world to see. If I remember correctly, there was GeoCities and Angelfire, but I would rather stick a needle in my eye than try to navigate those interfaces. I created so I, personally, would have a way to share photos privately and securely, but it seemed silly to create something for just myself and I came up with the idea of a private and secure destination for sharing photos with family and friends. Well sure, that sounds a whole lot like Facebook, Instagram or Flickr, but remember, those didn't exist in 1998 and the first iPhone wouldn't be launched for nine more years.

It was an interesting time. My wife and I were recently married, we bought a new home, we had a new baby and we were both managing our careers with a large advertising agency in downtown Minneapolis. This thing called the Internet was taking the ad industry by storm and no one knew what to do with it. I was in the right industry at the right time. The birth of our daughter followed in 2001 and life became about living each day; wash, rinse, repeat. Needless to say, we were busy; quite busy. Soon the novelty of our little photo sharing website turned into a burden to squeeze in, an expense that competed with other expenses, and more trouble than it seemed worthy of at the time. Of course hindsight is twenty-twenty and as social networks took off, I looked back on with both pride and regret for not having the stamina to follow through with the vision. Did I mention how busy we were?

The next twenty years were equally hectic, leaving the security of the large agency, starting two succesful digital marketing agencies, serving up campaigns for national and global brands, but familyphoto was ever present, just sitting there in the back of my mind like when you know there is something you forgot to do, but you can't quite remember what it is. Oh yeah, that's right, "revive that photo sharing site, you idiot."

If I had a dime for every time I heard "That ship has sailed", "You missed the boat on that one buddy", or "There is too much competition now"; I wouldn't need to start another business. I could be sitting sipping cocktails on a remote beach with my bags full of dimes, but then I would want to share my beach photos using an amazaing interface, so here we are, reviving in the form of Shotdrop, learning from our competitors that came after familyphoto and believing that there is always a better mousetrap to be built.

Ladies and gentleman, allow me to introduce you to that better mousetrap, Shotdrop!

Thanks for listening and enjoy yourself. Don't forget to Share Your Happy,
Paul J Nealy,

Media Relations

Media Relations
108 Doctors Park
Saint Cloud, MN 56301

Custom Audience Selection
In an era where everything is shared online, we have all come to realize just how important retaining or regaining privacy matters. Shotdrop understands just how important this really is, not just for the obvious reasons of controlling who can or cannot see your images, but it is also critical for the sense of control we all yearn for over our own lives. We want you to feel 100% comfortable that you always, not only can control, but also know with certainty who can see your images.

It is important that you understand how privacy settings work on Shotrdop.
Every single shot you drop maintains its own privacy settings. You can choose to share it with the Public, your Friends, include your Friends' friends, your Followers, or Only Yourself. You can even choose to share an image with just certain friends or exclude certain friends. You can even share a special image with just one special person if you choose. Every image can have its own unique privacy settings. We refer to your privacy settings as your custom audience.

Each post and each album can also have their own unique privacy settings, while galleries are always Public and Favorites are always private. When an image is included in a post, album, or gallery, it is important for you to understand that the post, album, or gallery privacy settings will apply and override the image privacy settings. We refer to this as the “context” in which the image is being viewed. For example: If you have an image with the privacy settings of “Only Me” and someone goes to your Photos page where they can see all your photos, they will not see this image because only you can see this image. However, if you add that same image to an album with a “Public” setting, anyone will be able to see that image. The privacy setting of the image has not changed and it is still not viewable to the public on your Photos page, but while someone is viewing the album with the Public settings, it will be viewable in that “context.” That same scenario with a Public post and private photos, would work the same way. To summarize, the privacy settings of the “context” overrides the privacy settings of the image while being viewed in that context.

The exception to this rule is when you have other Shotdrop community members images in a context, such as a Gallery. You own the gallery and the gallery is always Public, but you do not own other peoples images and cannot control the privacy settings of their images. They may have the settings for the image set to “Friends” and you are their friend, so you can see the image and you decide to add the image to one of your galleries that anyone can see, but when someone else views your gallery and they are not also friends with the original image owner, they will not see the image, even though your gallery is public. Make sense?
Learn more about Shotdrop Privacy Settings .
This is the question area of the ask box
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Display Settings
GPS Data Embdedded in Image File
files do not support embedding GPS data into the image file
The image location coordinates and label you choose will be applied to all selected images. To apply different location coordinates and labels to different images, only select images you wish to have the same location information or apply your location one image at a time.

Tip: When using shift click to select a range of images, the first image selected will be used to populate this window. When selecting individually, the last image selected will be used to populate this window.
  • Use the map to select the location the photo was shot
  • Pick a display label from dropdown menu.
  • Decide if you would like to include the GPS coordinates in your file. learn more
  • Set your map zoom level you wish to show your visitors. Tip: Use the slider or pinch map on touch screens.
  • Click Save
Say something more...
Apply to All Selected Images
Title & Description
Title Only
Description Only
Your Store
Image Title & Description
caption and description explanation goes here
Say something more...
Tell your audience more about this image

Share your camera settings with your audience so they know how you created this great piece of art

Save all as default for new images
Anyone who can see the image
Friends & Followers
Friends and Their Friends
Friends Only
Only Me
Who Can React (like, etc...)
Anyone who can see the image
Who Can Comment
Anyone who can see the image
Who Can Share
Friends and Their Friends
Who Can Download Original Full Dimension
Anyone who can see the image
Who Can Download Original with EXIF
Anyone who can see the image
Who Can Order Shotdrop Prints & Merchandise
Anyone who can see the image
Who Can Add Additional Keyword Tags
Anyone who can see the image
Allow Shotdrop AI to add keyword tags
Who can see image location
Anyone who can see the image
Who can see values from Camera tab
Anyone who can see the image
Who Can See the Extended EXIF Data
Anyone who can see the image
Other Values
The following values are everything else we found embedded in your image. These values cannot be edited by Shotdrop and will only display when your visitors expand the details. If you're bored and have a spare year on you hands, you can explore what some of these embedded tags mean. Or, you could just get on with your life and enjoy more photos on Shotdrop.

Your Store
printing: earn choices here (self-fulfilling orders, us fulfilled/their pricing,allow orders). Will need price groups, packages, etc...
licensing/lightboxes: setprice/allow download/limits/etc...
A Shotdrop Plan to Fit Your Needs
Whether you are a Grandparent sharing the joys of your little ones' little ones, a Professional Photographer making a living with your talents, a Brand looking for a new avenue for social interactions, or just someone with a passion for photography, we have the perfect plan for you.
Basic Free Membership
Ideal for the individual wanting to privately and securely share photos with family and friends.
All Shotdrop members get our Basic plan for free.
  • Complete control of your privacy settings
  • Unlimited social interactions
  • Up to 1,000 Photos
*Learn more about Family Groups
Premium Member
Perfect for the amatuer or professional photographer or anyone who takes their passion seriously.
Enjoy all the benefits of our Basic plan plus so much more.
  • Unlimited Photos
  • Persistent Drop Tray**
  • Family Groups*
  • Eliminate third party ads***
  • Promote Your Content
  • 50% Discounts on Promoted Content (with annual membership)
  • Engagement Statistics
$3.49 per Month*
$41.88 Annually*
* $3.49 per month when paid annually.
$4.99 per month when paid monthly.
**Learn more about the Persistent Drop Tray
***Excludes member promoted content
Ambassador Program
Become a Shotdrop Ambassador and earn real cash for spreading the joy of Shotdrop.
The Ambassador Program inclues all the benefits of our Premium and Pro plans.
  • Earn cash payments
  • Ambassador marketing tools
  • Your personal email address
  • Direct access to Shotdrop support team
  • Learn more about the benefits of our Ambassador Program
$149.88 Annually*
*Monthly plan not available
for Ambassador program.
Select Your Plan
When upgrading your current annual plan, you cannot switch to a monthly renewal. If you wish to change your plan from annual to monthly, please contact Shotdrop Support
Your current Annual Basic membership has been paid through 1/1/2200. We understand you don’t want to overlap plans for x days, so when you upgrade today, we will apply a credit of $12.34 to your new upgraded membership and start your new improved plan immediately. This credit will be reduced by $.50 every day you wait to upgrade, so upgrade today.
Select Payment Method
Ambassador program includes a discount on the Premium plan and a fee for the annual Marketing Support Program.
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  • All associated social interactions will also be deleted.
  • Any shares of this post (yours and others) will also be deleted.
  • Any external links or references to this post will no longer function.

This cannot be undone.

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Delete Image?

You have requested to delete this image.

  • All associated social interactions will also be deleted.
  • This image will be removed from any multi-image posts. If any posts are left with no images, the posts will be deleted.
  • Any shares of this image (yours and others) will also be deleted.
  • Any external links or references to this image will no longer function.

This cannot be undone.

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Download Image
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This download is larger than the original and you may notice quality issues
w x h
EXIF Data remains intact if present at upload
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Your custom download is larger than the original and you may notice quality issues
Create a Page
What a Great Idea!
We're thrilled you decided to create a new page on Shotdrop and you're going to be thrilled when you see what having a dedicated page can do for you
Help your audience understand what your page is all about
Selecting the right categories for you page is important for your audience to be able to find you. You must select at least one category and can select up to five additional categories that best match what your page is about.
Let's set a few basics
If you selected more than one category, please select your primary category. We also need to know what you want to call your page.
Choose your primary category
Name your page
Write a brief description about your page.
If your page represents your business, you should clearly explain your products or services. If you are an non-business organization, describe what you do and whom your serve; you could consider a mission statement. If you are a celebirty, public figure, or your page is a special interest, let your audience know why they should be interested in your content.

Tip: The goal of your brief description is to have your audience follow your page and engage in your content. The goal should not be to have them read a novel, get bored and move on to a different page. Keep your description clear and concise and purposeful.
Make it easy for your Shotdrop audience to contact you
The more ways you give your audience to contact you, the more likely they will. Some people prefer phone over email, while others don't like talking on the phone. Make it their choice and make it easy.
Drive traffic to your website
You can add a short label for your website address; such as "Shop Now", "View Products", or "Donate". If left blank, the default value is "Website".
Enter email addresses for your audience to reach you
You can add a short label for your email address; such as "Sales" or "Customer Service". If left blank, the default value is "Email".
Enter the best phone numbers for your audience to reach you quickly
You can add a short label for your phone numbers; such as "Sales" or "Customer Service". If left blank, the default value is "Phone".
Tell your Shotdrop audience about your page
Would you like to show your audience a location for your page, such as an address or maybe just a city?
Search and select your location then choose how you would like it displayed
List Location as
page Wizard guts
				page type
				   facebook first splits them by 
					  "Business or Brand"  - Showcase your products and services, spotlight your brand and reach more customers on Facebook.
					  "Community or Public Figure" - Connect and share with people in your community, organization, team, group or club.
Push Notifications
Push Notifications

Before we start talking about how Push Notification work, let's define a few things. Shotdrop has in-site notifications to help you know when you receive new messages, new friend requests, when a friend has accepted your request, and a wide range of notices. These notices will appear in your notifications drop down panel by clicking on your avatar in the top right of the page. You will only be aware of the in-site notices when you are currently on Shotdrop.

Push Notifications are notifications you can receive that display within your browser even if you are not currently on the Shotdrop site. They are intended to make you aware of something hapening over on Shotdrop you may be interested in. Enabling Push Notifications is a great way to make sure you don't miss anything important, but they also can get annoying when you receive too many. This is why we let you decide if you want notices, which notices and which devices you want to recieve your notices on.

There are two steps to receive push notifications from Shotdrop.

  • You must tell us that you want them and which types of notices you would like to receive. These setting are part of your Shotdrop profile and will follow you across the different devices that you may use.
  • But, you also need to tell your browser that it is ok to receive and display them. This setting is part of the built-in browser permission settings and specific to each browser. Shotdrop can't set this for you and that is a good thing because the choice is yours to make.

Shotdrop offers you a lot of flexibility with your notifications. In order to get the best experience from your notices, you should first understand how they work.

Get More Attention With a Promoted Post
Get Noticed
Select your accent color
Call-to-Action Message
Write something compelling that encourages your visitors to click on your button. This text displays to the left of your button. There isnt a specific character count limitation, but is limited to what will wrap onto a maxium of three lines.

Tip: When selecting your background and text colors, make sure they contrast well and are readable.
Panel Background Color
Panel Text Color
Oops! You've hit the limit on your message length.
Select the type of button you want. If choosing a Custom button, your text should be simple, clear and direct. You are asking your visitors to take action by clicking on the button. "Visit Website" or "Shop Now" are great examples of custom button text asking them to take action.

Tips: If your Custom button text is too long, it will get cut off so make sure it displays the way you want your visitors to see it. When selecting your background and text colors, make sure they contrast well and are readable.
Button Type
Get new followers with one simple click. A "Follow Me" button is one of the quickest ways to gain a larger following audience. We take care of everything for you.
When a Shotdrop member clicks your "Sign Up" button, we will ask their permission to share their First Name, Last Name and Email Address with you. You will have the option to export your subscriber list from your profile page.
Whether it is your website, blog, or online store, one of the easiest ways to get them there is with a Shotdrop "Custom" button.
I certify that all communications to my subscribers are compliant with all laws and regulations, contains a mailing address, a method to unscribe and all unsuscribe preferences will be honored. I will not spam my subscribers.
Button Background Color
Button Text Color
Custom URL
Expand Your Audience
Save 50% on This Promotion and All Future Promotions
Earn Real Cash
The Ambassador Program is currently only available to residents of the United States 18+ years old.
I am a resident of the United States.
I am 18 years of age or older.
I understand this is a pay for referral program and not an offer of employment.
I further understand I will not be compensated for my time or reimbursed for any expenses I choose to spend and any compensation I receive will be based solely on successfully referring new members whom choose to join the Shotdrop community with a paid membership.
I understand I can make some serious cash by participating in the Ambassador Program and I will be required to provide my full mailing address and tax identification number prior to receiving referral payments and I may receive a 1099 Earnings Statement.
I have read and agree to all terms and conditions of the Ambassador Program.
Total Promotion Cost: $0.00 USD
All selected Promotion choices will run for through 3/11/2025
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